Ing. Martin Slaný, Ph.D.
InSIS: Ing. Martin Slaný, Ph.D.
Office: NB 307 Phone: +420 224 095 542 e-mail: |
Field of professional activity
My interest is in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary policy, and labor economics. I attended Prague University of Economics and Business, receiving a master degree in economic policy and economic theory in 2007. I received Ph.D. degree in finance at the same university in 2014. During my study I spend one term at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and I attended many short-term study and research stays abroad. I was economic advisor to the President Václav Klaus (2007-2013), 2011-2013 I served as a director of the Secretariat of the President of the Czech Republic. I represented the President at the meeting of the Czech government; I was a member of the Government Council for Nation Minorities, a member of Center for Economics and Politics and the Financial Literacy Experts Group. I joined the Department of Economics in 2013. From 2013 I am a director of economic studies at the think-tank Václav Klaus Institute.
Taught courses
- 5EN203 Macroeconomics I.
- 5EN411 Intermediate Economics
Scientific publications
Slaný, M. a Lipovská, H.: Esej na obranu (nejen) ekonomické svobody. In. Mladí ekonomové (o) Václavu Klausovi. Praha: Institut Václava Klause, 2016, s. 117-142.
Slaný, M.: Specifika imigrační krize a ekonomie. In. Masová imigrace: záchrana, nebo zkáza Evropy? Praha: Institut Václava Klause, 2016. s. 35-54.
Slaný, M. a Munzi, T. (eds.): Čtvrtstoletí – česká cesta k tržní ekonomice. Praha: Czech Enterprise Institute, 2015, 224 s.
Slaný, M. a Skopeček, J.: Past devizových intervencí. In. Spor o měnovou politiku. Praha: Institut Václava Klause, 2015, s. 59-70.
Slaný, M.: Provázanost trhu práce a měnové politiky: NAIRU, hystereze a reakce měnové politiky. Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014, 120 s.
Slaný, M.: Vývoj měnových podmínek v kontextu současné finanční krize. Ekonomické listy, 2010, sv. I, č. 1, s. 45-57.