5BE Economics and Psychology
Do you want to understand how people really make their decisions? Do you want to know why people give money to charity,
why they cooperate and trust each other, but also which policies are successful while other fail, or why there are bubbles
on stock markets? The minor “Economics and Psychology” (VS 5BE) offers you new and surprising insights into the human
nature uncovered recently by scientists in the area of behavioral economics and related fields. The Department of Institutional,
Environmental and Experimental Economics is giving you a chance to discover this rapidly growing area of economics in a set
of courses delivered in English by skilled lecturers who also produce high-quality research in the field.
The required courses enable students to develop full understanding of the key concepts and the intuition behind them rather
than to remember abstract mathematical formulas, while the elective courses provide an opportunity to deepen the knowl-
edge of specific topics, including data analysis and quantitative research. Moreover, during lectures and seminars you will
improve your critical and analytic thinking in an international environment. Understanding the principles of human decision
making is fully applicable both in your private life and your future career: it allows you to improve the efficiency of your own
decision, but your future employer will be more interested in your knowledge of e.g. how to optimize company strategies,
formulate evidence-based policies, improve HR, product development and marketing practices, or to outperform others
in financial markets. The skills that you, as a graduate of this program, will acquire are demanded by multinational companies
in the consulting, banking, financial and energy sectors, as well as by NGOs and governmental agencies. You can also receive
a firm basis for an academic career if you so choose since you may learn the advanced methodology of applied and experi-
mental research, with which you will get hands-on experience.
Requirements for completion: The student must obtain a total of 30 ECTS in the specified structure. The final state examination is an oral examination verifying the key knowledge of the compulsory subjects of specialization.
Mandatory courses:
- 5IE362: Economics and Psychology I.
- 5IE373: Principles of Experimental Economics
- 5IE462: Behavioral Economics
- 5IE380: Behavioral Finance (Lenka Dvořáková,)
Elective courses:
- 5IE465: Health Economics
- 55F912: How to use SW STATA (extra-semestral)
- 5IE375: Drugs in Economics
- 5EN457: Applied Quantitative Methods II
- 5IE460: Economics of Religion (winter semester)
- 3MG523: Marketing Research (offered by FPH)
- and other subjects provided by the Department of Economics
Materials for the state exam:
1. part: Economics and Psychology 5IE362
2. part: Principles of Experimental Economics 5IE373
3. part: Behavioral Economics 5IE412/5IE462
Vznik některých materiálů a kurzů vedlejší specializace byl podpořen: Evropský sociální fond a Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti (Inovace studijního programu Ekonomie a hospodářská správa s akcentem na internacionalizaci výuky, individuální práce se studenty a praxi CZ.2.17/3.1.00/33332).